You know what makes selling loads of products & services online a cinch?
Okay, I’ll tell you: Becoming a respected authority in your industry.
I know. Nowadays, “becoming an authority” can feel like a pipe dream. The online space is noisy (and becoming noisy-er by the second), and on the surface, it might seem like it’s becoming harder & harder to stand out on social and “make a name for yourself.”
But the truth? It’s actually 100% possible to build a trust-worthy, recognizable (and unforgettable) brand, establish your expertise & become the “go-to” person in your niche, one social media post at a time.
When you lean into a few tried-and-true principles (and a few new ones, too), you can still stand out as a respected authority in your niche. Let’s dive into how, shall we?
1) Understand Your Audience
First things first–and this proooobably goes without saying–but before you post anything on social, you gotta know specifically who you’re talking to. If you don’t know (or your ideal client has shifted recently), take some time to “go back to the drawing board” and really get inside the heads of your audience. If it’s been a minute, run a survey or a poll on social media, so you can hear directly from your clients and/or clients-to-be (aka people already in your audience).
What keeps them up at night? What are they yearning for? The more you know, the better you can serve them in your content–and eventually your offers, too.
2) Create (Enticing) Educational Content
Experts argue whether educational content (like how-tos, “top tips” and “5 reasons why social media isn’t working for you”) on social media is as effective as it once was. My take? Educational content should still play a major role in your content strategy.
The caveat? Don’t just pummel dry information, stats and facts at your audience and go on your merry way. Instead, you’ll need to make your educational content enticing and exciting in order to snag–and hold– people’s attention. The less “same same” your content is, the more authoritative it will come across. (If people see something they’ve seen a thousand times, presented in a very similar way, they either won’t care and scroll right past, or they’ll think, “Nothing to see here. I already know what this person is about to say anyway.”)
So, before you hit publish on your next educational post, ask: How can I present this information in a more entertaining way? (Maybe it’s adding a snappy hook, or unexpected opening.) What personal story (or client story) can I tie into this information or use as an example to illustrate the ideas behind the theory or education? (Maybe you wrap up your fave tips for using segmentation in your email marketing with a personal story of the last time it worked on you – or a client.)
While you’ll need to layer it with other types of content, educational content is still a fantastic way to show your ideal clients you know your stuff and build both authority & brand recognition.
3) Show Up Consistently
Did you know consistency is an authority (and brand) builder all on its own?
It’s true: Consistency matters. But contrary to popular belief, “consistency” isn’t just about ensuring you “show up” a specific number of times a week (although it is!)
In fact, consistency actually means a few things in the online space:
1.) You show up regularly (at whatever interval works for you/your audience)
2.) You show up with the same or similar message
3.) You show up with a similar visual vibe, too
Let’s talk that first point. When you show up regularly over time, it shows people that you’re for real. When you don’t just post & ghost, but rather show up and share valuable information and stories and entertainment day after day & week after week, people can see that you’re legit and in it for the long haul.
It also makes them that much more confident that if they pop on over to your website & tap in their credit card details, they’ll actually receive the product (and results) you’ve promised.
True trust – and authority – is built over time. So next time you don’t “feel like” publishing a daily IG post or popping into Stories, remember it isn’t just about this one time. It’s about the body of work you’re building over time. Consistency like this (silently) tells your clients-to-be, “Listen. I’m not going anywhere. This is my thing. And when you’re ready to buy, I’ll be here.”
4) Your Visuals Have the Same Vibe
On that same note, consistent visuals matter, too, especially when it comes to creating brand recognition. You know when you’re flicking through IG and before you even see the username, you know who the post belongs to just because of the look and/or the ‘style’ of writing? That’s the level of recognition you should be striving for.
Your audience should be able to spot a post from you a mile away. And the easiest way to do that is stick with the same logo, color palette and general ‘style’ across all your marketing channels.
5) Share & Stick to Your Brand Message
Having a consistent message matters, too.
When people keep hearing the same or similar message from you, they’ll start to remember and recognize you for that message.
They’ll start to associate you and your brand with that message.
Now, if you’re here, I’m going to assume you already have a crystal-clear brand message. (And if you don’t, I wrote a blog post here all about easily finding your message.)
But just as a refresher: Your brand message is essentially what you stand for in business. It summarizes your unique viewpoint, as well as exactly what you do, who you do it for and why.
And? It should be obvious to your readers/viewers within a few minutes of landing on your profile. If not, you’ll need to re-evaluate what your message actually is–and how you’re sharing on social media.)
So, tell me: Do you weave your message & viewpoint into your posts?
If your answer is, “Obviously!” then awesome, because this is exactly how people get to know what you’re all about. When you consistently repeat a clearly defined message, you will eventually (and effortlessly) become “known” as the brand that’s all about “insert-your-thing-here.”
Dropping your message into every post or writing about just a few topics might make you feel like you’re repeating yourself. You might worry you’re going to bore your readers. But as long as you’re approaching the topics in fresh ways, I can assure you it can only be good for your brand and establishing your expertise. (We’re all busy – if someone isn’t religiously following your content, they won’t even notice if you re-use content. Promise! And even then, if they are following you that closely, they won’t care!)
Your messaging should also stay consistent across platforms. What do I mean by that? For example, if you call yourself a “social media coach” on Instagram, use the same title in your Pinterest profile. If you talk about “working with busy moms to book more coaching clients” on your Facebook business page, use the same ideal client description & messaging when you’re posting on Instagram (instead of, say, randomly calling them “busy women” or “busy executives”). If you’re all about empowering women to look and feel their best, don’t then post content bashing a celebrity’s new red carpet look (unless you’re using it as an educational moment–or with a twist.)
This isn’t to say your views and message can’t change over time – they absolutely can. But ensuring that right here, right now, your content promotes the same message (and vibe) across platforms is crucial for building authority.
6) Create Content Pillars
It might seem boring or outdated, but the truth is, defining 3-5 content pillars – aka content topics you share and talk about regularly – is still a fabulous way to become known for said topics.
Do you regularly write on 1-5 honed in content topics relevant to your ideal client and message? Or do you seem to talk about anything & everything?
If you want to build a solid, recognizable brand, try talking about less topics. (This can sometimes make coming up with ideas easier, too–a little constraint can be helpful with creativity!)
When you post consistently on clearly-defined topics, you can (again, over time) effortlessly become known as the authority & expert on those specific topics.
7) Don’t be Afraid to Be a Thought Leader
You’ll never become a true authority in your space if you’re forever regurgitating what others have already said. So, don’t be afraid to talk about topics others won’t.
Expose industry myths, break down the not-so-often-talked-about techniques (or “trade secrets”) and generally “go” where others won’t – and you’ll easily stand out and make a name for yourself. This, my friend, is thought leadership.
Thought leaders add their own viewpoints to the conversations that are already happening and start new conversations based on what they’ve observed or experienced. They turn their own experiences, as well as observations, issues, trends and myths in their industry into insightful content. A true thought leader can take something as simple as an awards show snafu (or a trip to the grocery store!) or as complex as a global hot button political issue and transform it into a thought-provoking social media post.
Content like this often goes viral, gets shared and makes waves online. And? It further establishes both your viewpoints/message and your expertise.
8)Shamelessly Share Social Proof and Testimonials
Another way to build authority? Show people that your work gets your clients & customers real, tangible (and frankly, quite jaw-dropping) results.
From user-generated content (like a glowing testimonial screenshot from your private Facebook group [shared with permission, of course] or a 30-second video testimonial submitted by a fave client) to a full-fledged case study on a star student in your signature course, social proof is the ultimate way to build authority and foster enough trust that other feel safe snagging your offers.
Bonus points if the testimonials & case studies speak to specific objections your ideal clients have. (This proves your work not only gets people results, but can get them results despite their own internal or external perceived limitations. You know, like true experts do ;))
Bottom line: You’re not just “any old” coach or creator–but in order to get the rest of the world to realize, you have to start showing up online like the unique, insightful and whip smart biz owner you are. And when you do that? I think you’ll be shocked at just how you can quickly become a respected voice & well-known brand in your niche.