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Create an Amazing Online Course that Sounds Like You – Without Doing it All Yourself!

“My online course only took me a month to create, launch and profit from!”
– You, a month from now.

Hey there gorgeous,

Sound a little far fetched?

I get it.

Let me set the scene…

Right now, you’re a gifted coach or service provider beyond ready to create an awesome, totally unique online course that supports your mission, bestows your hard-won knowledge upon the world and adds an additional income stream to your booming business.

But as a chronic over-deliverer (and over-thinker!), anytime you sit down and try to suss out your course idea, map out your modules and/or craft a (lucrative) launch plan, your mind goes into overdrive.

“I’m already serving so many clients. I don’t have time for this!”

“This is legit Maybe I’ll revisit this next month when I have more ‘free’ time…”

“Um, wow. I don’t even know where to start.”

In an ideal world, you’d have unlimited resources & energy (and maybe Starbucks lattes) at your disposal to DIY a killer course that wraps up all your unique knowledge, reflects your values to a T and captures your voice (because, well, you created it all!).

But in reality…

You keep adding course-related tasks to your to-do list, but toss them aside as soon as more “urgent” work crops up (oops!)

You question whether anybody can really “do it like you” or “sound like you” (psst–they can!)

You’ve thought about outsourcing your course (or parts of it), but have zero clue who you actually need on your team to fulfill the dream (and what the heck they need to do to bring it all together!)

You don’t know where to start because there are so many moving pieces. (You’ve tried to ‘get a course together’ and failed too many times to count. You’ve got allllll the “Untitled” Google Docs to show for it.)

Sound about right?

Well, here’s another reality: Your time is valuable–and so is your knowledge. And the longer you leave your course un-created, the more money you’re leaving un-made and lives un-touched.

I know creating a course feels like a massive project. From creating a curriculum to designing promotional materials, there’s a lot to do.

But the truth is, when you learn how to build your course step-by-step with a proven plan and a solid support system of talented contractors & freelancers you can make your course dreams real–faster, easier and cheaper than you can even imagine.

It’s true: When you know exactly what to do first, next and last to put together your dream course–without doing it all yourself–you CAN create an incredible, irresistible and income-producing online course in just 30 days.

Learn to Strategically Leverage the Time & Talents of Freelancers & Contractors to Effortlessly Design Your Dream Course! 

Just imagine if you could get step-by-step guidance to…

Finally turn your course idea into an actual course people pay for

Get inside your ideal customers’ head so your course easily stands out in a sea of same-same competitors

Skip the “What the heck do I do now?” phase and cut down on the time it takes to launch your course significantly

Simplify the “hiring support” process, because you’ll know exactly what support you need and what they need to do

Ditch the content, design and tech overwhelm that stems from not knowing what to do (or in what order)

Gift the world your experience and knowledge while also creating a healthy new revenue stream for your business

Figure out exactly where you need support and what you need to handle personally to create the course you’ve always wanted

Develop your own proven process to easily create future courses in a snap!

…All without losing your unique voice and tone.
…Or micro-managing every piece of the project (so much so that you might as well have done it yourself!).
…Or burning out (or straight up giving up!) from the sheer overwhelm.

Use My Step-by-Step “Source Your Course” Workbook to Help You Write an Outsourcing Plan to Vision, Build, and Launch the Amazing Online Course You’ve Been Dying to Get Out into the World!

This 29-page workbook will help you stay in your zone of genius and get your course out into the world in 30 days!

By leveraging the time and skills of contractors and freelancers, you’ll be able to design the online course of your dreams without abandoning your other work.

Source Your Course Workbook (29-Pages)

Ready to Launch Your Online Course in 30 days – Without Doing it All Yourself, Micro-Managing or Losing Your Unique Voice?

This Step-by-Step Workbook Covers:

  • Introduction: Let’s Make that Course Happen
  • Step 1: Idea Journaling – to finally turn your course idea into an actual course people pay for
  • Step 2: Course Logistics – so you can skip the “what the heck do I do now?” phase and cut down on the time it takes to launch your course significantly
  • Step 3: Course Content Planning – ditch the content, design and tech overwhelm that stems from not knowing what to do (or in what order)
  • Step 4: Writing Your Course To-do List – so you can gift the world your experience and knowledge while also creating a healthy new revenue stream for your business
  • Step 5: Mapping Out Your Workflow – So you know exactly where you need support and what you need to handle personally to create the course you’ve always wanted
  • Step 6: Document Everything – Develop your own proven process to easily create future courses in a snap

If you’re ready to develop your course from idea to income –– you just need to take the pressure off yourself to do it all–and get an actual plan to follow to help you vision, build and launch your course.

Download this Workbook for Only $27 $10!