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Grab the Pricing Workbook & Sales Calculator to Find Out How Much You Should be Charging for Your Products & Services!

So many entrepreneurs I know freeze up at the thought of pricing, especially because there’s a direct link between pricing and self-worth.

Can I really charge that much?
Am I good enough?
Is my work good enough?

And around and around you go.

Best not to change anything when it feels so much safer to just low ball your offerings, and hope for the best – regardless of whether or not you’ll make money!

Because in your mind, as long as the sales are coming in,
that must mean everything is fine…right?

The truth is…

The Numbers Don’t Add Up

You’ve been fiercely trying to break 6-figures, but that number is as elusive as a unicorn.

You’re working 60+ hour weeks and your to-do list grows if you take your eyes off of it for even a second.

Your money’s like a mirage – it looks real, but it disappears before you can even get your hands on it.

If For You, Pricing is Just Another Thing that You Have to Do, Maybe it’s Time You Discovered How to Be Strategic About it…

It doesn’t make sense to randomly choose a price for your products and services without thinking about how pricing relates to the big picture of WHY you’re in business.

While you may love your clients and enjoy your work (and I really hope you do), the whole point of being in business is to make money.

But there’s the rub…

The thought of asking for more money makes you squirm. Like you’re doing something wrong by wanting to be paid fairly for your work.

And it’s that thought process that’s keeping you stuck.


I know you want people to like you.
I know you to make everyone happy.

But learning how to price your offerings so that you actually achieve your financial + lifestyle goals, and then having the courage to be confident in your decisions?

Well, that’s just what bosses do!

But make no mistake:

You Will Undercharge for Your Next Offering…Unless You Stop Copying Other People’s Prices and Start Creating Your Own! 

We’ve all done it. Myself included.

Mostly because it’s so effortless to just look at what other people in your industry are charging for their products + services, and then slap the same price tag on your stuff too, and call it day.

Trouble is…

It doesn’t matter if you’re selling the same type of stuff…YOU are still you’re own unique person and business. Your clients might pay you double what you’re competitor is charging because of your reputation alone!

Not only that, YOU have your own set of goals and values, and that has to be factored into your pricing.

This example is going to surprise you.

You and your competitor both have an income goal
of $100,000 per year. But YOU also value freedom!

Here’s what this might look like:

You work 20 hours a week at $100 an hour with two weeks of vacation.

Your competitor works 40 hours a week at $60 an hour and never takes a vacation.

Does that pricing freaks you out?

Look, It’s NOT About “Charging What You’re Worth”…

Think charging $100/hr is way out your league?

Here’s the thing…people really don’t care about paying you what you think you’re worth.

They care about the results and what those results are worth to them.

How will it make their life easier?
How will it make them feel?
How will it change their life?

Your product or service only has value because someone values it, not because you’ve priced it at a certain amount.

So why wouldn’t you price your offerings around your own unique income + lifestyle goals?

Do you see now why it makes absolutely NO sense to copy someone else’s pricing?

With that in mind, here’s…

The “How to Price Your Offerings Like a Boss” Workbook Covers:

The purpose of this workbook is to help you and your team determine the best price for your products, programs, coaching, VIP days, services, and anything else you sell.

As you go through this process, you’ll see how your income goals, lifestyle considerations, business offerings, value provided, customer base, and costs of doing business should all influence what you charge for your products and services.

This workbook will make it super easy to go back through each quarter, year, or whenever you are planning to offer something new to your customers or want to increase your income.

Step-by-Step Workbook Covers:

  • Step 1: Set Your Income Goal
  • Step 2: How Will You Make Bank
  • Step 3: Work Out Your Costs
  • Step 4: Know Your Customer
  • Step 5: Know Your Product/Service
  • Step 6: Set Your Pricing
  • Step 7: Price Tracking and Assessment
Here’s a Peek at the Fabulous Workbook You’ll Get:

Plus You’ll Also Get the Bonus Sales Calculator Worksheet:

Add your yearly income goal, type in your offers and prices and VOILA! You’ll know exactly what you need to sell to meet your income goals.

Download this Workbook for Only $37!

Here's How You Can Use This Workbook:


Use this workbook to plan and strategize within your own business.


Use this workbook during 1:1 coaching sessions with your clients.


Use this workbook as part of the content for your private client VIP days.


Use this workbook as an independent contractor to help your paying clients.


Use this workbook during meetings with your high-level team members, or your assistant.

Download this Workbook for Only $37!

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I give this workbook to my assistant?

Can I give this workbook to my assistant?

Yes. You have permission to give this workbook to your assistant and other team members to work on your business projects, tasks, or strategies for you.

I’m a service provider, can I use this workbook with my clients?

I’m a service provider, can I use this workbook with my clients?

Yes. You have permission to use this workbook to help your own paying clients with a business strategy, task, or project.

I’m a coach, can I use this workbook with my clients?

I’m a coach, can I use this workbook with my clients?

Yes. You can use use this workbook during 1:1 coaching sessions with your clients, or as part of content for your private client VIP days.

Does this workbook come with resell rights?

Does this workbook come with resell rights?

No. This workbook is for use within your own personal business. You are NOT allowed to sell it as your own.

Can I get a refund if I decide the workbook isn't for me?

Can I get a refund if I decide the workbook isn't for me?

Since this is a digital product that you can download right away, there are no refunds. If you have any questions before purchasing, you can reach out to us here.

Download this Workbook for Only $37!