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Never Worry About Where Your Next Client is Coming From…

Just Plug These Client Outreach Templates into Your Business to Generate a Steady Stream of New Sign Ups on Autopilot

As a coach or service provider, you’re busy.

Whether you’re on back-to-back Zoom calls (or prepping client notes in between), all up in Google Docs, Photoshop or ConvertKit delivering stellar client work or putting together proposals and invoices, there are a million and one things to do every day in your biz.

Unfortunately, when you’re so booked-n-busy with your current client load, it’s all-too-easy to “skip over” putting yourself out there on social media (or anywhere else – like, ahem, your own email list) to attract new clients.

Maybe you don’t feel the need to post on social media because you run mostly on referrals (which is all fine-n-dandy until they unexpectedly dry up and you’ve ghosted your whole audience of potential clients for eight months, eek!)…

Or maybe you just feel stuck and uninspired (AF) by your current social strategy, so you’ve let your social profiles collect digital dust (which means nobody new has been exposed to you & what you offer in like, forever)…

Or maybe social media honestly just soaks up too much time (that you don’t have), so you pretend it doesn’t exist & daydream about the day you can just “set it and forget it” (read: create a juicy social media campaign once and automate it so it consistently brings in fresh business, without you having to come up with & create shiny-new content all the time).

No matter which scenario above applies to you, here’s what always happens as a result:

One month you’re living the high life, flush with perfect-fit clients and rolling in the dough (yay!)

And the next, you’re freaking out because your once-packed calendar is looking a little bleak, all your current projects are wrapping up (and so are the payment plans that go with them) and you haven’t seen a new inquiry in *checks watch* at least two months (boo!).

Know the above situation all-too-well?

If so, you’re not alone.

This is actually one of the most common & utterly detrimental mistakes coaches & done-for-you services providers make online.

They struggle (hard) to juggle their current client load while also promoting themselves to score new (and/or returning) clients.

And that’s exactly why I created the Client Outreach System Templates.

Because if I’m being for real? You NEED a simple, solid, repeatable client-booking system in place as a coach or service provider. It’s non-negotiable.

So, I’m here to deliver it, with a wink and a smile. 😉

I mean, you DO deserve to serve your current clients at the highest level, while ALSO knowing (with certainty) more perfect-fit clients are just around the virtual corner (or already in your Instagram DMs), don’t ya think?

Introducing the Client Outreach System Templates

These epic templates are exclusively designed for coaches and service providers to help you create a simple, repeatable & automated process for filling your funnel with perfect fit clients, so you always have an engaged, ready-to-buy audience to tap into to sell your offers.

Inside, you’ll find a step-by-step client outreach planner to help you plan your funnel, plus all the time-saving templates you need to craft, set up & automate a magnetic client-getting campaign that works to secure new clients around-the-clock, so you don’t have to.

By the end, you’ll finally have a simple-yet-effective client-booking funnel in place that’s irresistible to your ideal clients, so you always have a steady stream of super-hot leads flowing into your business like no big deal.

Just Imagine…

Consistently attracting and closing ready-to-buy, right-fit clients (even if you’re out sick, on vacay or hyper-focused on your current clients because #passion).

Never again breaking a sweat over “what to say” on social media or in your email marketing to attract an epic avalanche of inquiries.

Experiencing revenue stability like never before (No more living “client to client” for you).

Converting followers to customers anytime you want to (or automating the process so it’s happening 24/7, without you needing to “be online” 24/7).

It’s all possible. This template pack is truly like having a done-for-you, profit-generating funnel at your fingertips – except you don’t have to create any content from scratch.

Here’s What’s Included in this Templates Package:


Client Outreach Planner

This planner includes a simple step-by-step process and worksheets to help you map out a seamless system for filling your funnel with perfect fit, ready-to-buy clients.


30-Day Social Media Campaign

This campaign is tailored specifically to coaches and service providers, so you know exactly what to post each day to effortlessly enroll new clients (Includes both captivating fill-in-the-blank caption templates and thumb-stopping Reel ideas, complete with suggested video and audio).


Captivating Calls-to-Actions for Getting Clients

These CTA’s are written and ready-to-pop into the P.S. section of your emails and social posts, use as stand-alone social captions or publish anywhere new clients might be lurking, so you can confidently pitch your offer anywhere online. Just swipe and sell.


Customizable 5-Day Email Campaign

Designed to build your authority & expertise and showcase jaw-dropping client results, so you can fill client openings quickly and automatically (read: while you’re ticking off the thousands of other “must-do” items on your to-do list).


Instagram DM Scripts

Designed to automagically deliver details & information to anyone who DMs you from your social posts, so you can “seal the deal” without obsessively refreshing your IG account (because oh em gee, you can’t take too long to respond to a potential client, right?)​

Imagine how incredible (and incredibly relaxing) it will feel to know perfectly-aligned potential clients are excitedly signing up for your email list, inquiring about your offers & even snapping ‘em up on their own, all while you’re just running your biz and living your (best) life.

Don’t need to tell you twice? Snag yours today!

Client Outreach Planner

This planner includes a simple step-by-step process and worksheets to help you map out a seamless system for filling your funnel with perfect fit, ready-to-buy clients.

30-Day Social Media Campaign

This campaign is tailored specifically to coaches and service providers, so you know exactly what to post each day to effortlessly enroll new clients (Includes both captivating fill-in-the-blank caption templates and thumb-stopping Reel ideas, complete with suggested video and audio).

Captivating Calls-to-Actions for Getting Clients​

These CTA’s are written and ready-to-pop into the P.S. section of your emails and social posts, use as stand-alone social captions or publish anywhere new clients might be lurking, so you can confidently pitch your offer anywhere online. Just swipe and sell.

Customizable 5-Day Email Campaign

Designed to build your authority & expertise and showcase jaw-dropping client results, so you can fill client openings quickly and automatically (read: while you’re ticking off the thousands of other “must-do” items on your to-do list).

Instagram DM Scripts​

Designed to automagically deliver details & information to anyone who DMs you from your social posts, so you can “seal the deal” without obsessively refreshing your IG account (because oh em gee, you can’t take too long to respond to a potential client, right?)​

Buy the Personal Version for Only $66!
(use this within your own personal company and with your team)

Buy the Resell Version for Only $154!
(brand all the documents to your biz and sell it as your own)

Frequently Asked Questions

How will the templates be delivered?

How will the templates be delivered?

The templates have been created as Microsoft word documents, and are completely customizable.

After making your purchase, you’ll get an email with instructions about how to download the templates.

Do these templates come with resell rights?

Do these templates come with resell rights?

No. These templates are for you to use within your own personal business. You are NOT allowed to sell these templates as your own.

What if I don’t like the templates, can I get a refund?

What if I don’t like the templates, can I get a refund?

Since this is a digital download product, there are no refunds. If you have any questions before purchasing, you can reach out to us here.

Buy the Personal Version for Only $66!
(use this within your own personal company and with your team)

Buy the Resell Version for Only $154!
(brand all the documents to your biz and sell it as your own)