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If You Want to Go from Feeling Chaotic and “Already Behind” the Second Your Feet Hit the Floor Each Morning to Knowing Exactly What to Do in Your Business Each Day to Make Bank Without Burning Out – This is for You!

Ever wake up and think, “OMG, I have so much to do and I don’t know where to start!”?

Or maybe, “Ugh, I’m pouring so much of my time, energy, creativity and heart into this business, but I still don’t feel like I’m making enough money.”

Or maybe even: “It’d be so nice if somebody could just tell me what to do every day. I feel like I’m constantly scrambling, but nothing is truly ‘getting done.’”

If so, you’re in the right place!

Here’s the deal: So many coaches, creatives and consultants waste their precious time on the wrong activities (ahem, #doomscrolling, playing with pretty fonts in Canva and/or obsessively refreshing their inbox 100x a day), and wonder why they’re constantly tired, overwhelmed and feel like they’re never moving forward or getting closer to their goals (whether that’s consistently earning $10k a month or renting a private villa in Tulum for two months out of the year).

But it doesn’t have to be that way.

Introducing the Money-Making Business Activities Templates

Designed specifically for coaches, consultants, service providers, and digital creatives, this package will help you both pinpoint and prioritize the income-producing tasks that directly and indirectly contribute to your bottom line – and do them every single day in a way that honors your personal life, #moneygoals and natural rhythms.

Inside this informative planner and strategic worksheets, you’ll learn to identify exactly which tasks bring home the bacon and which are just busywork, how to minimize or ditch any distractions soaking up your precious time (probably without you even realizing it).

PLUS a quick framework for mapping out a sustainable work schedule, so you always know EXACTLY what to do (and WHEN) every single day to hit even your loftiest income and lifestyle goals.

You’ll also learn how to confident decipher exactly what actually needs done in your business (hint: it’s proooobably not the playing in Canva thing) – and what you can automate, eliminate or delegate (like a boss) instead.

Just Imagine…

Sitting down at your laptop every morning legitimately jazzed to work because you know every.single.thing. on your to-do list (or Notion) is actively contributing to your bottom line, now or in the future.

Finally knowing how to juggle #allthethings – from your personal life to your client work – and still be able to live out your entrepreneurial dreams (like working from the beach in Bali or taking a month off every December to spend time with the fam).

Never again glancing at your smartwatch only to realize it’s 6p.m. and you “didn’t get anything done” Listen: Your time is precious, and your attention isn’t limitless. Learning how to maximize the time you have and honing in on what truly matters is the ULTIMATE key to the long-term success of your online business.

Here’s What’s Included in this Templates Package:


Money-Making Business Activities Planner

This detailed, step-by-step planner is packed with all the skinny on exactly what money-making activities you should focus on in your business – and how to start – for major ROI.


Money & Time Goals Worksheet

So that you can clearly define exactly how much you want and need to make and how many hours you want and need to work to transform your goals into sweet reality.


Vacation Scheduler

Vacation Scheduler to plan time off in advance with total ease, so you’re never left scrambling last minute trying to complete client work and plan your next newsletter (all in between your pre-vacay spray tan and wax).


Time Tracking Worksheet

So you can finally see exactly where your time is going every week (this piece might shock you – but it’s oh-so-necessary!).


Distraction Tracking Worksheet

To help you figure out what regularly pulls you away from your work, and come up with creative solutions to minimize or eliminate distractions for good (and get your work done quickly & efficiently every single day- and maaaaaybe even work less as a result).


Money-Making Activities Map

With a comprehensive list of powerful profit-producing tasks and categories, plus a guide for figuring out which tasks apply to your business and where each task will realistically fit within your unique day.


Business Task Assessment Worksheets

Designed to help you confidently decide exactly what to batch, automate, delegate and/or eliminate in your business for more profit, flexibility or both.


Daily Work Day Scheduler

To help design a fool-proof realistic daily work schedule that fits seamlessly into your life and helps you hit your #goals with ease (You’ll finally have core work hours and a schedule that works for your unique lifestyle no matter what your circumstances are).


Daily Tasks Planner

To help you choose the specific money-making tasks to focus on every single day to make major money without a major headache (or sacrificing your girls’ nights out, bi-weekly brunch dates and/or your kiddos volleyball games).

Bottom line: These templates will help you identify the money-making tasks you need to focus on to stop wasting time & start earning loads more money in your business, period. You’ll happy-dance away with razor-sharp clarity & direction and a sustainable work week and daily schedule that feels as good as it looks on paper.

You don’t have to feel ‘behind’ the second your feet hit the floor every morning.

Grab these Money-Making Activities Templates and take back control of your work days – and your bank balance.

Money-Making Business Activities Planner

This detailed, step-by-step planner is packed with all the skinny on exactly what money-making activities you should focus on in your business – and how to start – for major ROI.

Money & Time Goals Worksheet

So that you can clearly define exactly how much you want and need to make and how many hours you want and need to work to transform your goals into sweet reality.

Vacation Scheduler

Vacation Scheduler to plan time off in advance with total ease, so you’re never left scrambling last minute trying to complete client work and plan your next newsletter (all in between your pre-vacay spray tan and wax).

Time Tracking Worksheet

So you can finally see exactly where your time is going every week (this piece might shock you – but it’s oh-so-necessary!).

Distraction Tracking Worksheet

To help you figure out what regularly pulls you away from your work, and come up with creative solutions to minimize or eliminate distractions for good (and get your work done quickly & efficiently every single day- and maaaaaybe even work less as a result).

Money-Making Activities Map

With a comprehensive list of powerful profit-producing tasks and categories, plus a guide for figuring out which tasks apply to your business and where each task will realistically fit within your unique day.

Business Task Assessment Worksheets

Designed to help you confidently decide exactly what to batch, automate, delegate and/or eliminate in your business for more profit, flexibility or both.

Daily Work Day Scheduler

To help design a fool-proof realistic daily work schedule that fits seamlessly into your life and helps you hit your #goals with ease (You’ll finally have core work hours and a schedule that works for your unique lifestyle no matter what your circumstances are).

Daily Tasks Planner

To help you choose the specific money-making tasks to focus on every single day to make major money without a major headache (or sacrificing your girls’ nights out, bi-weekly brunch dates and/or your kiddos volleyball games).

Buy the Personal Version for Only $77!
(use this within your own personal company and with your team)

Buy the Resell Version for Only $198!
(brand all the documents to your biz and sell it as your own)

Frequently Asked Questions

How will the templates be delivered?

How will the templates be delivered?

The templates have been created as Microsoft word documents, and are completely customizable.

After making your purchase, you’ll get an email with instructions about how to download the templates.

Do these templates come with resell rights?

Do these templates come with resell rights?

No. These templates are for you to use within your own personal business. You are NOT allowed to sell these templates as your own.

What if I don’t like the templates, can I get a refund?

What if I don’t like the templates, can I get a refund?

Since this is a digital download product, there are no refunds. If you have any questions before purchasing, you can reach out to us here.

Buy the Personal Version for Only $77!
(use this within your own personal company and with your team)

Buy the Resell Version for Only $198!
(brand all the documents to your biz and sell it as your own)