You’ve created a successful course that continues to sell, and now you’d like to have something fresh and innovative to offer. Although you want to have another course available that would provide you with an additional way to earn passive income while helping people with something specific, you’re not sure what to do or how to deliver something even better than what you’ve already sold.
The good news is that it’s entirely possible if you take the right approach to come up with follow-up ideas that make sense, offer helpful information, and come in handy for your followers by providing tips on the things they need help with most.
Follow these 3 simple tips to come up with your next online course in no time!
1) Pay Attention to What Makes You the Most Money
Now that you’ve put yourself out there and are likely offering different services and products, it’s time to look at your analytics and determine which offerings are making you the most money.
For example, you may sell a course on starting a business to help entrepreneurial hopefuls with their startups. If it’s doing exceptionally well, but people still have questions they’re asking that you didn’t cover in the course, use that to your advantage to create an entirely new, inventive digital product that they’re more likely to buy. You can use this simple yet effective method with any niche.
If something is selling, think about what you’re already addressing in that course, make a list of other information relating to that topic, and then work on building your next course.
2) Get Feedback From Your Audience
Gathering valuable feedback and suggestions from your targeted audience is another great way to develop new ideas for your next online course. It’s as simple as making a post on social media where you can mention that you’re currently working on a new course and want to make sure it has everything your followers want to see in it.
After talking about how your latest course is currently in the works, ask for suggestions by saying something like, “Before I finish the course, I want to know what you’d love to see included. Sound off in the comments below to let me know if there is any topic you’d like me to touch on.” Once your followers begin commenting, you’ll have many fresh ideas for content to include in your course.
3) Address Any Additional Pain Points
You know your audience better than anyone else, so it’s crucial to consider any additional pain points you could address with a new course. Ask yourself:
- What kinds of problems can I solve for my audience?
- What are some things that my audience needs help with that aren’t already included in my other course(s)?
- What are the most common pain points discussed by my audience in comments on social media?
Make a list of any specific problems your customers face, and then think of ways to include resolutions to said problems in your latest course. Coming up with good ideas for your next course may seem challenging, but there are still plenty of things to cover, regardless of your niche.
Discover what currently makes you the most money, get feedback from your audience, and consider problems that consumers would like to resolve to guide you on the path to creating high-quality content that people can enjoy.