3 Ways to Create a New Course FAST

3 Ways to Create a New Course FAST

You’ve decided that you want to create a new course and market it to your followers, but you don’t want the process to take too long. While it can take several weeks for some to prepare and finalize the content included in a course, you can get things done faster than ever by working smarter, not harder.

Quickly creating a course means having the opportunity to offer something of value to others while profiting from the information you provide without delay.

If you’re ready to prepare your content and assemble it so that it’s ready for purchase, use the following 3 helpful tips to your advantage!


1. Pull Some of Your Pre-Existing Content and Add It to Your Course

Save time and effort by combining some of your pre-existing content with new content. You’re probably saying, “Why would anyone want to take a course that includes the content they’ve already viewed before?” But, if you’ve posted valuable content to different platforms, such as tips and suggestions, not everyone may have come across that information. For example, someone who follows you on Facebook might not even use Instagram and vice versa.

You can take some of your content from several sources, put it in your course, and organize it to fit in with any other content you plan to add to it. When you’re pulling content from posts you’ve already created, it’s always beneficial to jazz things up by including even more information in each section.


2. Use Previous Blog Posts to Create Content for Different Course Lessons

If you’d like to prepare a course with several lessons, find older blog posts you’ve created, collect them, and use them to help you map out the content for your course based on the specific topics you’re covering in each one.

For example, let’s say that you have 5 blog posts all around the topic of email marketing. You see that you have one about growing your email list, one about creating a lead magnet, one about the tools to use, etc. So each lesson in your course could be based around the topic of each blog post, and then you would just expand on that existing content. For instance, you could use the blog post as the starting point for an in-depth video training where you share content, examples, and even client case studies.

Of course, if you’re going to take old blog posts that you may have written several years ago, be sure to read through them and update them with the latest information to ensure those who purchase your course are getting the best of the best knowledge from you.


3. Go Through Your Older Social Media Posts

Do you remember those posts you used to add to social media when you started your business? You might not have had many followers at that time, but you likely posted regularly, offering some valuable insight and high-quality content that didn’t get the attention it deserved.

If so, now is the time to use that content, pulling some good information from your old posts and adding it to your course. It’s a time-saving solution that can make the course creation process much easier for you.

When you’d like to have a course quickly created and readily available for purchase sooner rather than later, one of the best ways to achieve that goal is to repurpose your old content. It will take you much less time to look through old blog posts, social media posts, and even newsletters to gather information than it would for you to begin writing everything from scratch?

Get creative with repurposing your old content by reorganizing it, adding updated information, and making a few adjustments here and there to create something of value that your followers will look forward to buying from you.





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