TikTok videos.
Podcast interviews.
Optimizing your website for SEO.
Pinning 300 new pins to Pinterest a week (give or take).
There are truly a million different tasks and activities you could partake in to build your biz every week.
But what if I told you that you actually only need to do a few of them, consistently, to majorly move the needle (and increase your sales)?
It’s true–and below, you’ll find my top five ‘must dos’ if you want to exponentially expand your biz this year.
1) CEO Time (aka Time to Strategize, Plan and Vision)
Carving out dedicated time every single week to strategize, plan and reflect is essential if you want to grow your business.
Maybe you swap Sunday boozy brunch for a few hours of CEO time, or cut out early on Friday to strategize. It doesn’t matter when you do it, but you do need to have specific time in your calendar every week to set goals, prioritize your most important tasks for the following week and re-align with your vision. What are you working toward now–and why? Answer this question every single week and I guarantee you’ll see movement in your business, and bank account.
2) Network Like Crazy
Networking is still a major component in any successful venture–even when you’re working alone in your home office in sweatpants and a top knot (some days, anyway).
The good news? ‘Networking’ doesn’t have to mean wriggling into real pants & forcing a smile at hokey networking events anymore–and thank goodness for that.
Instead, it can look a lot more chill and personal. You might attend virtual events (and speak up when given the chance, so people see your name–and face!), research and reach out to potential collaborators, do PR or media outreach (including cruising HARO emails to see if you can help out a reporter looking for an expert like you) and/or search for influencers and colleagues to connect with.
Tell me: Who do you admire? Who would you love to work with one day–either as their client, or with them as your client? Why not take a moment the next week to reach out to just one of them to tell them how much you admire their work (even by commenting on their latest IG Reel)? It’s really as simple as that.
And don’t overlook the “competition,” either. While someone might look like your arch business nemesis on paper, the truth is they likely attract similar clients & become a major referral source when they’re booked up or just not interested in a particular project or client.
Relationships trump everything. You could literally make one incredible connection that helps you secure new clients and customers for years or decades down the line, so it’s absolutely worth it to carve out specific time each week to connect, connect, connect.
3) Follow Up with Old & New Leads
While we’re talking about relationships, let’s talk about leads. If you’re still working with clients one-on-one, follow-up should still be a tip-top priority. Don’t let potential leads go cold–instead, build time into your weekly schedule specifically for reaching out to your latest leads.
You can also look back at recent leads who’ve gone radio silent and try to reignite a conversation. Just spend a few minutes in your CRM (or DMs, if that’s how you work) looking up your leads from the last few months–and send a quick “checking in” message.
You should also be replying to DMs and responding to comments whether you’re working with clients one-on-one – never leave a potential buyer hanging. (And if you don’t have the capacity for this, definitely hire it out!)
4) Work on a Project (Just Not Client Work)
If you have a Google Doc teeming with ideas for content, marketing or offers you always promise yourself you’ll get around to creating “one day” (and yet one day never seems to come), this one’s for you.
Every single week, make time to work ON your business, not just in it. We talked about strategizing and prioritizing, but I’m talking about actually creating.
Whether it’s mapping out module ideas for a new course, implementing a time-saving app or system or finishing up the think-piece blog post you’ve been meaning to wrap up for weeks (and that will surely position you as a thought leader in your space, fingers crossed), the point is to work on an idea or project that will move your business forward in some way.
You already have a list of ideas you’d like to bring to life. If you truly want to grow, it’s your (literal) job to ensure you actually do bring them to life.
5) Give Past Clients Some Love
Did you know that most new business will come from old business? Whether you’re privately coaching clients or exclusively selling digital courses (or a little bit of both!), your past customers are the most likely people to buy from you again.
That said, be sure to squeeze in time every week to show your current & past clients love. Send personalized messages, gather feedback, and/or let them know they’re your VIPs by offering continuing offers or even client-only discounts.
You can (and should!) also ask for referrals. Good clients are likely to be connected to other good potential clients – and a referral from someone they trust is everything.
And that’s it, gorgeous. Of course, you won’t necessarily be able to – or need to – do all of the above every single week. But if you’re gunning for big growth, why not try it out for a few months and let me know your progress in the comments?