If you’re blogging, you’re doing so with a genuine purpose behind every post you make. Whether it’s to connect with like-minded people, make a living, or a combination of both, knowing how to sell in your posts is the best way to succeed as a blogger.
So, how do you sell in your blog and get people interested in what you’re discussing? You use the following 5 tips to your advantage!
#1. Create a Connection with Your Readers
The first tip for selling in your blog is to create a real connection with your readers. But you’re probably wondering how you can connect with people you don’t know. It’s simple – be direct in your posts. Keep the line of communication open, where you’re encouraging readers to comment on your posts and engage in conversations. When you have readers commenting, write back to them and show that you care about what they say.
If people feel like they can connect with the blogger, they’re going to read those posts you’re creating, and they’re going to look at you as someone who influences many of their buying decisions. For example, if someone trusts your opinion, they’re more likely to buy something you’ve recommended to them.
Take the extra time to make a connection with your audience. Does it happen overnight? No, not always. However, if you’re consistent with posting content and engaging in conversations with commenters, you can make significant progress and begin selling in your blog in no time.
#2. Be the Kind of Blogger Others Can Relate To
Be personable with the content you create and post. People want to feel like they can relate to the blogger and what they post. If no one relates to you, it’s hard to keep them around long enough to get the chance to sell to them.
If you’re wondering how to be personable, it’s as simple as being yourself. Don’t feel like you need to pretend to be someone you’re not to increase engagement and get your targeted audience interested in what you say. It becomes much easier to reach others if you’re being true to yourself and talking to your readers like you’d talk to some of your best friends.
#3. Make Your Posts More Engaging, Less Salesy
Let’s say you’re creating a post with the intention of getting someone to click a referral link and purchase a product because you’ll earn a commission from that sale. There’s a right way and wrong way to go about it. Try to tell a story that relates to the product you’re trying to sell in some way or another. For example, you could talk about an experience you had and how the product came in handy, or you could discuss how often you use a specific device because it does XYZ.
You don’t want the blog post to sound like a sales pitch, where you’re pushing a product on your readers and turning them off in the process. If your post tells a story and keeps readers engaged while mentioning that product once or twice, you’re more likely to sell.
#4. Convey a Story Through Words and Photos
Use the power of words and photos to tell a story. People who visit blog sites enjoy reading, but some are visual learners who prefer looking at pictures between paragraphs. If your goal is to sell in your blog, use photos to seal the deal because they’ll capture attention and get more people interested in what you’re discussing.
#5. Include Links to Products and Services in Your Posts
Don’t forget to link to some of the products or services you’re discussing or recommending to your readers. You can easily do so within your text by adding a link to a word or phrase that you’ve used within your blog post so that it looks less like an advertisement and much more like someone trying to suggest something to their best friend or family member.
Selling in a blog isn’t as hard as it seems if you’re willing to make that more profound, personal connection with your audience. When creating blog posts, taking the proper steps will help you reach your targeted audience while increasing engagement and getting people more interested in what you’re suggesting to them.