Newsflash: Facebook isn’t dead, and yes, you should still learn how to grow your Facebook page. But it has changed significantly over the years. While it’s far from the shiniest new platform on the block, it’s clearly not going anywhere, anytime soon (and I think its billion users would agree).
If you’re wondering whether it’s worth it to pour your limited time, energy and resources as a business owner into Facebook, the short answer is heck yes. It’s still a viable and valuable choice for growing an ultra-engaged audience online–if you know where to focus, that is.
Whether you already have a micro-following that hangs on your every word (or photo, or Live) on Facebook or want to grow and flourish on Facebook the right way (and don’t quite know what that looks like this year), I’ve got you covered.
Below, you’ll find 4 must-know tips for how to grow your Facebook page:
#1 Grow Your Facebook Page with Quality, Shareable Content
Recent research shows that one high-quality post per day is enough to grow your Facebook page and build a sizeable audience. It’s all about quality, not quantity. The more relevant, interesting and unique your content is, the more likely is it that people will share it, mention it to their audiences (or #bizbesties) and ‘Like’ your business page.
From brand-building behind-the-scenes stories to client wins to polarizing content and “hot takes” on your industry to unique, hilarious memes (yep!), Facebook users love a good shareable moment. So, what do you have to say about your area of expertise that’s different from everyone else? What can you uniquely speak on? Think–and post–about that, and watch your followers skyrocket.
#2 Create A Facebook Group
Facebook groups are a valuable tool for rallying like-minded people (and potential clients) around your message. People love to be in active, fun, vibrant communities–so be sure you’re asking questions, responding to comments and facilitating connections between others in the group.
When your group becomes a ‘fun’ or interesting place to be, people will naturally start talking about it and inviting their friends. You can also attract new members by optimizing your Facebook group name for search. Use your brand name (if it’s recognizable or well-known) or insert keywords into your Facebook group name so it shows up higher in search.
#3 Go Live to Grow Your Facebook Page
Facebook Livestreams can help you connect with your current audience and attract new followers, too. They’re a great place to announce a sparkling new offer, share gasp-worthy client stories, provide value and education, open up about your own experiences and share inspiring stories.
That said, the key here is to ask anyone watching your Live to share it out to their audience or anyone who could benefit from the content. Don’t forget to share your Live from your Facebook business page to your personal page for extra traction. (And for bonus points, respond to comments shortly after you hop off to boost the video in the algorithm.)
#4 Invest in Paid Ads
If you have the budget, team or know-how, paid ads are undeniably the quickest way to grow your Facebook page. With a little (or a lot) of moolah upfront, you can easily tap into Facebook’s billions of users. You can run “Engagement” ads to build brand awareness, but running pretty much any ad has the potential to boost the numbers of ‘Likes’ on your page.
Facebook ads are just one task you can delegate to a virtual assistant or team member. Grab my FREE Cash Flow Expansion Workbook to learn how to make more money every month by adding a VA to your business.