I see you, spending all your time working to fill your coaching programs. You love working one-on-one with people. You thrive in it.
But did you know? If you’re only focusing on your 1:1 offers, you could actually be missing out a lot of potential customers (and potential income)?
I’m talking about incorporating low-end offers.
Now, you may be thinking, won’t low-end offers bring in, well, low income?
Not necessarily! Let’s take a look at some of the top benefits of creating low-end offers, how you can get started, and some creative ways to tie them together and make them work FOR you.
4 Ways Low-End Offers Make You Money
It can be easy to equate low-end offers with not-so-much-money-coming-in. But that’s not always true! Plus, there are more benefits than making a few bucks here and there, such as:
- It’s an easy in for new clients. Hello impulse buys!! Low-end offers make it easy for new people to say yes and buy things on a whim. And as you know, once they’re a customer, it’s so much easier to make them a return customer.
- It’s easier for them to refer you to others (and for others to make impulse buys too). Have you ever had someone tell you their coach is amazing and you just immediately decide to drop thousands on a coaching package without a second thought? Likely, no. But a $22 ebook that someone recommends? Easy decision!
- It can bring in regular income flow. As you’re growing your audience, that’s more and more chances to sell more low-end offers! If you sold just 10 of those $22 ebooks a month, that’s an extra $220 WITHOUT DOING ANY EXTRA WORK!
- It makes it easy to upsell to a bigger offer. Low-end is often the easiest way to get someone as a customer. And like I mentioned, once they’re a customer, there’s a good chance they’re gonna want more of you. Use your low-end offers as a springboard to the higher end packages.
3 Ways to Start Creating Low-End Offers
Okay, you’re sold. So how do you come up with an idea that will sell, and will help you retain customers for life? (Can I get a “hell yeah!”?)
Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Think of some common issues your clients come to you with. You’re already great at helping people through these issues, why not create an ebook or a self paced mini-course for them to set the foundation themselves?
- Take a look at your social media audience. What posts resonate most with them? What are they commenting about? Find your current audience’s most pressing issues and create something just for them.
- Look at the client journey in your coaching package. Can you separate the steps and create something for each one?
Remember, you’re not trying to give your audience all the answers in these low-end offers. You’re giving them what they need now so they get that quick win and immediate a-ha, but you’re also leading them into the next step.
Which leads me to….
How to Easily Tie Your Low-End Offers Together
Once you’ve created a few low-end offers, you can start tying them together and using them as a great lead-in to your other offers.
You could:
- Bundle your low-end offers together. Create a package deal. This equals more value for your customers and more money for you.
- Upsell! Upsell! Upsell! At the end of your ebook, mini-course, workbook, etc., pitch the next step. Maybe you have a group program you want to move your customers to. Or maybe you want to go right into pitching a coaching program or a single coaching session. You’re moving customers from self-led content to working directly with you (and also to higher ticket offers!)
I hope you can see the benefits to creating low-end offers. You know your stuff, beautiful. You’re amazing at it. Now all you have to do is create something easy-to-digest for your audience, sell it, and then rinse and repeat!