In some ways, creating an impactful marketing message can be even more important than the product, service, or course you’re trying to sell.
Naturally, you want the offering to be top-notch … but if it is and you miss the mark when you promote it, its value will be totally lost!
Most entrepreneurs know this, at least in theory, but many of us still struggle to nail those marketing messages.
In my opinion, that comes down to ignoring the value of emotion.
With the right emotion, you can just about sell ice to someone who lives in Antarctica.
Effective marketing relies partially on reaching the people who will actually benefit from your product but works best when it ALSO evokes strong feelings in those same people.
You don’t just want them to think to themselves, “Gosh, this offering might help me.”
You want them to yearn for the state of being it will create once they purchase it!
You want them to imagine the better, happier, more relaxed, and rewarding life they’ll have once they’ve used it!
Emotional marketing is the best marketing.
Ready to start crafting messages that pull on heartstrings? These tips will have you connecting to your audience on a deeper level.
Emotional Marketing Tip #1: Understand Your Audience
In order to trigger an emotional response, you need to understand what excites, intrigues, and motivates your tribe of followers.
If you’re not sure, you’ll need to learn more about them so you can talk to them about their deepest wants and needs.
Say you’re a nutritional coach and your audience is new moms feeling bad about their post-baby weight.
What emotions are they feeling? What do they wish for? What do they dream about?
EMOTIONLESS MESSAGE: I craft custom menus and eating plans for new moms!
EMOTIONAL MESSAGE: I can help you choose delicious, easy foods to slim back down and start feeling like you’re lively, energetic self again.
Emotional Marketing Tip #2: Keep Your Message Simple
The more complex your message is, the more likely you’ll get passed up for a competitor.
Remember that feelings are simple and primal. Just focus on a few topics so you can reach people’s emotional centers.
Say you’re a book coach who helps new authors get published. You may have a ton to say to potential clients since publishing is a convoluted industry, but you’ll do better speaking plainly.
EMOTIONLESS MESSAGE: Work with me and I can help you decide whether traditional or self-publishing is the best path; then collaborate to find the best possible literary agent (if you need one); and get your manuscript organized, written, and edited so you’re set up for success.
EMOTIONAL MESSAGE: With my expertise on your side, the entire pre-publishing process will feel easy, rewarding, and fun.
Emotional Marketing Tip #3: Differentiate Yourself
Sometimes the strongest emotional responses arise from comparisons; they give your clients a point of reference that grounds their feelings.
Show those clients why they should do business with you by explaining what makes your product, service, or course stand out from the rest. (Now’s the time to brag a little!)
EMOTIONLESS MESSAGE: This workshop will give you tools for increasing your reach and revenue.
EMOTIONAL MESSAGE: Unlike courses that promise results they can’t deliver, my workshop will provide both tools AND training to increase your reach and revenue.
Emotional Marketing Tip #4: Create Excitement About Your Offering
What’s new or unique about your product or service?
Which features get the most positive feedback, and how can you highlight them?
Remember that creating excitement isn’t just talking about YOUR feelings as the creator!
Instead, go back to those audience insights and tap into their dreams, needs, and wants.
EMOTIONLESS MESSAGE: I’ve revamped this service to be even more comprehensive!
EMOTIONAL MESSAGE: Past clients have told me again and again that they LOVE [feature X], so I’ve beefed that up in this new version!
Emotional Marketing Tip #5: Use Emotional Language
Words that induce emotion or vivid imagery improve your chances of making a sale.
Don’t be afraid to add adjectives, make comparisons, or paint pictures with your language.
Quick reminder: exclamation points do NOT inspire emotion, and are no substitute for truly rich words. Get creative and descriptive as you craft your copy.
Say you’re a career coach who helps clients plan out their next move. You’ll want to keep it simple (as you’ll remember from tip #2), but not so simple that it puts potential clients to sleep.
EMOTIONLESS MESSAGE: I’ve got a proven track record of helping executives chart their ideal career paths.
EMOTIONAL MESSAGE: You’ve been wildly successful so far, but you’re hungry for more. Work with me, and we’ll plan decisive moves to catapult you to the absolute top of your field.
You are doing your future clients a HUGE disservice if you don’t have a killer marketing message that evokes genuine emotions.
Your product may be exactly what they need, but they won’t know it if you don’t tell them! And they won’t remember it if you don’t hit ‘em right in the heart.
With these 5 tips, you can start crafting messaging that resonates and delivers.
Want to learn how to write soul-stirring, wallet-opening copy that speaks to your soulmate clients without the sleeze?
Click the image below to check out my “Writing to Sell Kit” – it includes a 34-page marketing plan, 15 templates, and 5 checklists to write money-making content.