I’m not gonna lie: It took me a while to get the hang of Facebook ads. With all the data available, categories to choose from, and campaign goals to set, the process can get overwhelming…especially at first!
I believe that all entrepreneurs who use this powerful marketing tool should have a basic understanding of how it works, but I also see why many of us choose to outsource Facebook ads. Creating effective campaigns and keeping them active and healthy takes time, talent, and expertise. It can be a huge relief to entrust that process to a pro.
However, outsourcing isn’t a foolproof fix for everyone! Yes, these ads can be tricky, but depending on your specific business needs you might be better off puzzling them out yourself.
So before you outsource your Facebook ads process to a contractor, ask these 5 questions:
Before you outsource Facebook ads, ask, “What’s my end goal?”
What do you want Facebook ads to do for you and your business?
Sell a specific offering?
Spread the word about your services?
Reach audiences beyond your own followers?
What would a successful ad campaign look like?
A 10% increase in sales?
More subscribers or followers?
If you want to outsource Facebook ads, you’ll need to have a clear idea of the results you want so you can find the right contractor, and give her clear and specific directions. Otherwise, you’re wasting your money and her time!
Before you outsource Facebook ads, consider, “What’s my budget?”
How much have you got to spend on the ads themselves, and how much on a freelancer to keep your campaigns going?
While you can’t know exactly what it will cost to reach your goals, you should have a good idea of how much you’re willing to spend. Especially since most Facebook ads experts have a minimum required ad spend!
To outsource Facebook ads effectively, you can’t just throw out $10 here and $20 there; You need a dedicated monthly budget that will help your contractor make your campaign goals into realities.
Before you outsource Facebook ads, determine, “What do I truly need help with?”
Again, I’m the first to admit that FB ads are complex. But be sure to give some thought to what’s tripping you up.
Is it the technical setup?
The copywriting?
Audience choice?
Funnel development?
You’ll want to outsource Facebook ads to someone who can address your exact needs.
Different contractors and agencies specialize in different areas, so knowing ahead of time what you want done will help narrow your search. And if there are aspects of the process you can keep in-house, you might be able to save a few bucks.
Before you outsource Facebook ads, ask, “What’s my timeline?”
Is this a long-term or short-term plan?
Will you outsource various campaigns for months or years to come?
Or do you just want someone to show you the ropes and then you’ll take it from there?
Like many marketing tools, Facebook ads can take some time to start yielding results and the right contractor will know how to experiment when you’re not getting the ROI you expect.
But you may just want to outsource Facebook ads until you can handle managing them on your own. Know your timeline and goals before you start looking for support.
Before you outsource Facebook ads, think, “Why am I pursuing these ads in the first place?”
Many entrepreneurs are told they “should” investigate FB ads as a marketing avenue, but “shoulds” are dangerous if you ask me!
Are you doing this just to keep up with the Joneses?
Are you sure that this platform will boost your business?
Is your audience even on Facebook?
This last question might sound simplistic, but it’s critical. If most of your followers are under the age of 24, for example, they’re more than likely on Snapchat, so advertising on Facebook may be a waste of time and money. You might not need to outsource Facebook ads after all.
Don’t get me wrong: I don’t want to talk you out of hiring a skilled contractor to manage your campaigns!
I work with freelancers on my own Facebook ads, and can’t imagine juggling all that work on my own. But outsourcing Facebook ads can get expensive, especially if you dive in without a solid strategy in place.
So answer these 5 questions before you hire your campaign specialist, and answer them honestly. It’ll help you make the best choices for your business!
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