Let’s talk about content.
If you’re anything like me, you love what it offers, the opportunity it brings and the outlet for creativity.
But, it’s an on-going to-do item. Plus, there are times when your mind just goes blank and there’s… nothing.
Just a super-sized case of writer’s block.
Am I right?
I know you feel me, but there’s good news. Content creation doesn’t have to be difficult. Armed with a long list of ideas, you’ll never be at a loss for what to write.
But how do you create such a list, you ask?
Here are 5 things you can do today to come up with an epic, never-ending list of content ideas.
#1 Braindump what you help your clients with
You do it every day. Every time you sit down with your clients.
You help. You guide. But have you taken the time to write down exactly what it is you do?
If not, this is the PERFECT exercise to help you come up with boatloads of content ideas! Write down all the “must hits” of your coaching package, all the problems you help solve and all the solutions you offer. Get as detailed as possible!
#2 List all the questions your clients have
Similar to the first tip, but this one focuses on your clients and what they specifically need from you.
- When you start working with a client, what are they coming to you for?
- What do people reach out to you for?
- What are they struggling with?
Look for common issues you see come up again and again, and also issues that might not be so common (you never know who else is struggling with it but they’re afraid to ask for help!)
#3 Write out your client journey
Every coach has their own method, their own path that they take their clients on. So what does yours look like?
- When your clients first come to you, where are they? What does their reality look like?
- And then what do you help them with?
- What steps do you take them through?
- What’s the end goal and what does their life look like at the close of your time together?
Write out the ideal journey from start to finish and you’ll have tons of content ideas! Use each step to create tons of content, from tip posts, how to posts and more!
#4 Ask your audience
Want to really know what your audience needs from you? Ask them!
This can be done informally through a social media poll or post, or you can do a longer survey. Either way, do this regularly and make note of what your audience really wants from you.
Bonus: Giving them what they need most gives them value and help they want, and helps establish rapport and trust. Can’t get much better than that!
#5 Watch your industry
If you’re still struggling to come up with new content ideas, turn to your industry. Take a look at what others are talking about and what’s hot and trending.
But the idea here isn’t to take their ideas and rewrite them as your own. Instead, look at what’s going on around you and use it to form your own thoughts and opinions. What new views can you bring to the current trends? What might you not agree with? What new approach can you take that your audience will love?
It can sometimes feel like content is never-ending, which means coming up with ideas is also never-ending. Luckily, there’s ideas and inspiration everywhere! Start making these tactics a part of your regular planning process and you’ll never be stuck for ideas again.