How to Repurpose Your Content for More Profit

How to Repurpose Your Content for More Profit

Whether you’re finger-dancing & doling out rapid-fire tips & tricks on TikTok or cranking out value-packed pillar blog posts, odds are you’re creating some type of magnetic content to market your business.

That said, what if I told you that your content could live on–and make you moolah–months and even years after you initially create it?

In today’s blog, I’m talking all about content repurposing–but not in the way you might think. Instead, I’m jamming out about exactly how to repurpose your free content into paid content. Because the truth is, with just a little extra oomph and zhush you can turn all that work you’ve poured into social media, a podcast or a YouTube channel into a hefty chunk of change.

No additional finger-dancing or content-crafting required. #yay


Below, you’ll find specific examples of how you can repurpose your most-loved content  – from social media posts to blog series, into more dollar signs in your bank account.


1) Turn Blog Posts into Digital Products

Blogs aren’t easy to write (ask me how I know!) and a well-crafted post–or series of posts–can easily be leveraged and turned into a menagerie of different digital products. Turning blog posts on one topic or several related topics is a great way to provide more in-depth information on a subject and offer it to your audience in a user-friendly format.

Other ideas include recording a video course based on your blog content, turning individual blog posts into downloadable (paid) PDFs (with added bonuses like checklists or workbooks), creating an audio course of your blog content or turning high-performing blog posts into a mini-course or paid webinar with Slideshare. If you have lots of old blog content, you can also consider offering a paid Substack subscription or paid newsletter and including these hard-to-find articles in your subscription for your most adoring fans.

Oh–and you can even turn your blog posts (or emails!) into a private podcast.

Turning your blog posts into digital products will allow you to tap into new revenue streams and provide more value to your audience. And you can use these smaller products to build up your email list and eventually upsell these soon-to-be loyal customers into higher-level clients.


2) Create Audio or Video Bundles

If you’ve ever been on a podcast or done a guest interview or training, guess what? You have content that people will pay for right at your fingertips. Try turning all your podcast interviews (where you’re being interviewed) into a paid bundle, or package up your guest expert trainings for other groups into a bundle for sale (with permission, of course!).

You can also create a bundle of your Facebook or Instagram Lives people might’ve missed, or curate applicable videos into an online course on a specific subject. You can also consider adding old webinars or audio to your private podcast, or turning your video podcasts into a bundle (or turning the transcript into an ebook!).


3) Turn Your Webinars into Mini-Courses (or Other Products)

If you’ve hosted a webinar on a specific topic, you can repurpose the content into an e-course. Add value by including more in-depth information on the topic(s) and setting up your course so it’s a more structured learning experience. This might mean gamifying it in some way or adding it a course portal like Teachable or Kajabi that allows students to track their progress.

Webinar transcripts can also be turned into short ebooks just like podcast transcripts, too.

While there are oodles of ways to repurpose your content, the key here is to make sure you’re not just throwing random pieces of content together. Instead, you’ll want to thoughtfully curate this old content and put it together in fresh, new ways that add value–value that make people want to pay for them (even though they might be able to find them on Google for free!). This might include adding checklists, workbooks, additional information, and of course, updating them for relevancy and inaccuracies and including the most up-to-date information possible.

All that said, with a (tiny) bit of elbow grease, repurposing your free content into paid content can help you see a significant increase in revenue without a significant increase in resources or time. Let the repurposing–and revenue-boosting–begin!



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