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If You’re Not Selling, You’re Not Making Money…

My Step-by-Step Workbook Will Help You Learn How to Sell Like a Boss Every Day!

Hello gorgeous,

If you want to grow your business and enjoy more success (of course you do!), regularly offering your products and services, building your brand, and completing other selling tasks is a requirement.

No business survives for long without learning how to sell and feeling comfortable doing it on a regular basis.

Sometimes selling is subtle (brand awareness) and sometimes not (“Click here to buy now!”). But if you want consistent income (and income growth) then a good mix of promos is a must.

Selling shouldn’t feel sleazy. As a business owner, you provide something that helps people in some way. If you don’t share and promote your products or services, you are doing a disservice to the world and your potential clients and customers.

If you are proud of your work and what you offer, it’s your responsibility to tell others about it. This workbook will help you do that every day. The result is win-win for your business and your customers.

After you go through each of the six steps and complete the corresponding worksheets, you’ll have a plan of action to ensure selling activities are part of your everyday work routine!

The “How to Sell Every Day Like a Boss” Workbook Covers:

Step-by-Step Workbook Covers:

  • Step 1: Determine Your Money Makers
    Step 2: Know the Difference Between “Now” Money and “Later” Money
  • Step 3: Create Your Now-Money Tasks
  • Step 4: Determine Your Later-Money Tasks
  • Step 5: Schedule Your Money Makers
  • Step 6: Don’t Neglect Your Mindset

Download this Workbook for Only $27 $10!

Here’s How You Can Use This Workbook:

Use this workbook to plan and strategize within your own business.

Use this workbook during 1:1 coaching sessions with your clients.

Use this workbook as part of the content for your private client VIP days.

Use this workbook during meetings with your high-level team members, or your assistant.

Use this workbook as an independent contractor to help your paying clients.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Give this Workbook to My Assistant?

Can I Give this Workbook to My Assistant?

Yes. You have permission to give this workbook to your assistant and other team members to work on your business projects, tasks, or strategies for you.

I’m Not Ready to Hire an Assistant - Can I Still Use this Workbook?

I’m Not Ready to Hire an Assistant – Can I Still Use this Workbook?

Absolutely! You can use this for your own personal use to help you on a business project, task, or strategy.

Is the Workbook Document Editable or Is it Only in PDF?

Is the Workbook Document Editable or ss it Only in PDF?

You’ll get the workbook document as both a word doc for easy editing, and as a ready to go PDF.

I’m a Virtual Assistant - Can I Use this Workbook to Help My Clients?

I’m a Virtual Assistant – Can I Use this Workbook to Help My Clients?

Yes. You have permission to use this workbook to help your own paying clients with a business strategy, task, or project.

Is this Private Label Rights Content (PLR)?

Is this Private Label Rights Content (PLR)?

NO. You do NOT have permission to resell this workbook in any way to your customers or clients.

You can NOT give this workbook away for free.

This workbook is intended for internal use within your own business.

What are the Terms of Use on These Templates?

What are the “Terms of Use” for These Templates?


  • Use the templates yourself in your business.
  • Give them to your virtual assistant and other team members to work on your business projects.
  • Use these templates to provide services to your own paid clients.


  • Resell these templates in any way to your customers, clients, or members as this is not PLR.
  • Give these templates away for free.

If you have questions about these terms of use, please contact my team and ask.

Download this Workbook for Only $27 $10!