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Do You Love What Social Media Can Do for Your Business, But You’re Fast Burning Out from the Never-Ending Cycle of Creating & Posting Content to Stay Relevant and Visible to Your Audience?

Then it’s time to hand the job off to a virtual assistant so that you can free yourself from the daily grind of managing your social media (and spend that time working on money-making tasks instead).

Here’s a scenario you might recognize: 

You’ve got a jam-packed schedule pretty much every single day. 

First, your elaborate (albeit, sanity-saving) morning routine.

Then, back-to-back client calls (with clients you adore, of course), and emails to send.

Oh, and then there’s a podcast interview (or a IG Live, or a Zoom call with your mastermind, depending on the day).

And then somewhere in between, you also need to squeeze in a decently healthy lunch, a power-packed HIIT workout and grab the kiddos from the bus stop…

…all while making sure you’re creating fresh content for social media, responding to your audience’s comments within a (reasonable) timeframe and making sure it all looks (and sounds) on-brand and on-point.

(Just reading all that sounds overwhelming.)

Here’s the thing…

Your business is growing at breakneck speed (yay!), but the increased flow of clients & opportunities also means an increased workload (eek!) and way less time to do the things you were doing to grow your business in the first place.

Sound about right?

(Even if it doesn’t and you’re still at the baby stages of growing your business and a social media presence–don’t scroll away just yet.)

The Truth is Social Media Is Essential…Social Media Burnout is NOT!

Let’s be real: If you want to reach fresh audiences, keep your current audience engaged (and reminded that you exist) and prove you’re worth your salt, social media is (almost) mandatory.

You know that.

You also know that you can’t keep up like this forever.

You can’t be the coach or service provider, plus the customer service department and marketing department until you decide to retire.

But, when you do play around with the idea of outsourcing your social media (you know, to someone more qualified, who literally does it for a living), you feel paralyzed with a million questions and options.


How do you know how to choose the right person for the job–someone you trust to create high-quality content, on-brand images and respond to your followers without making you look (or sound) bad?


How do you know what this “social media person” should actually do, and which parts of social media you should keep handling instead?


How do you know how to guide them to “do” social media for you if you’ve never worked with anyone like this before–especially if you don’t have a “content strategy” or barely have a presence...or both?

Oh hey there, overwhelm. Is that you? (Yes. Yes it is.)

Hear Me Out: You’re Not Alone. Outsourcing Anything Can Bring Up Lots of Fears and Doubts.

It’s also the only way to grow & scale your business!

Because if you don’t get help–or don’t get the right help–the overwhelm you’re currently experiencing can turn into full-blown burnout and stop or stall your business (and all it’s beautiful growth!), right in its tracks.

(Not to mention, eat up all your free time, cut into the energy you need to spend loving up on your current clients and wear you down physically and mentally over time. Not to get too serious on you, but…  #realtalk)

The good news is there IS another road you can take that doesn’t lead straight to Burnout town.

How about instead of slogging away and trying to keep up with everything from your client calls to your IG feed, forever and ever…

…or hiring someone to help with social media, without really knowing how it all works (and hoping you can “just figure it out” along the way #fingerscrossed)…

…you invest in learning how to effectively hand off your social media from an outsourcing pro?

Just imagine if you could…

(Finally) get organized with a clear-cut content and image strategy for social media–and spend way less time thinking, “What the heck am I gonna post next?” and way more time being deliciously present with your family and friends.

Figure out exactly what to post, where (or feel more confident in the social channels you’re already frequenting)–plus know exactly how to repurpose your posts for other platforms (if you so choose).

Feel crystal-clear on how you’d like your social media superstar to measure your “success,” including what to measure (which goes way beyond followers and numbers!), how to measure it (and why it matters) so you know you’re always putting your energy in the right places (and platforms).

Rest easy knowing you have a documented, streamlined process for working together, so you never skip any steps, there are less snafus in the process and everything goes out on time, every time.

Not to mention, rest even easier knowing that you hired the right person–someone who gets you and your brand (and brand voice) and you trust wholeheartedly.

Sound fab? I figured.

Listen, gorgeous: You’re a hella smart business owner, so I know you know you can’t do it all, all the time, forever and ever.

So, if you’ve thought once (or twenty times) about outsourcing your social media but didn’t know how to get started, let me show you exactly how to make this must-know process as painless (and seamless!) as possible.

Get Your Copy of the “Social Media Hand-Off! How to Work with a VA to Free Yourself from the Daily Demands of Social Media Management” Project Kit and Start Doing Business Your Way!

Here’s What’s Included in this Kit:


Step-by-Step Marketing Plan

You can either use this project plan yourself, or you can hand it off to your virtual assistant so she can follow the steps to help you in your business. You can edit and tweak this document with additional information your team may need, or you can even remove anything that doesn’t apply to your business.


Task Tracking Calendar

This calendar is such a simple, but powerful tool with task reminders to help your assistant stay on schedule, and meet your deadlines. She can print off a copy to keep on her desk, or she can add the tasks to her calendar in Basecamp or whatever project management system you use.

Baseline Stats Worksheet

Use this worksheet to set baseline statistics for your social media presence, campaigns, and rolling results (your starting points and basis of comparisons).


Business Brand Template

Use this template to build your brand resources so your social media has it for easy reference. 


Image and Brand Best Practices

Use this overview-style worksheet to ensure every piece of social content you create reflects and represents your brand.


Content Bucket Template

Use this template to brainstorm and prioritize your content buckets.


Content Publication Blueprint

Use this simple blueprint to create a consistent content production workflow.


Editorial Calendar

 Use this spreadsheet to plan out your content publishing schedule.


Content Repurposing Template

 Use this template as a guide for effectively re-purposing your posts for all the different social media channels.


Evergreen Machine for Social Media

Use this template to brainstorm keywords, topics, and post types and features that will always be relevant to your unique audiences.


Promo Plan Worksheet

Use this worksheet to plan and ramp up your social media promotion for each campaign.


Show Up Comparison Worksheet

Comparison charts are great for seeing before and after results or measuring your company’s performance against a competitor’s. You can use also use comparisons to weigh services or fees, and measure profits vs losses, subscribes vs unsubscribes, et cetera. Use this worksheet to decide which type of comparison chart would work best for you and your business.


Key Performance Indicators Report Worksheet

Use this worksheet to set up and track your KPIs, then interpret the results.


Social Media Channel Analytics Tracking

Use these spreadsheets to keep track of your results across your Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and YouTube channels. Each spreadsheet tracks different metrics based on the individual channel.


Meaningful Metric Reports

Use this template to understand your metrics and KPIs so you can choose the most relevant ones as benchmarks on the way to your goal.


Social Media Engagement Strategy

Use this template to identify and create a social media strategy to be implemented by your team or virtual assistant.


Social Media Publication Schedule

Use worksheet and template will help you set a social media publication schedule perfectly suited to your business goals.


Monthly Social Report Checklist

Use this checklist to ensure your social media manager or assistant provides the monthly social media overview you need.


Weekly Social Media Report Checklist

Use this checklist to ensure your social media manager or assistant keeps your media tracking up-to-date and covers all responsibilities.


Social Media Delegation Checklist

Use this checklist to ensure you delegate social media duties effectively and efficiently.


Social Media Manager Roles Checklist

Use this checklist as an aid in deciding what type of social media manager would best fit your brand.


Social Media Channels Checklist

Use this checklist as an aid to choosing and making the most of your most responsive social platforms.


Social Tools Checklist

Use this checklist to decide what social media tools you need most—and eliminate unnecessary ones.


Instagram Marketing Checklist

Use this checklist to ensure you are making the most of your Instagram posts.


Facebook Marketing Checklist

Use this checklist to plan out your Facebook marketing campaigns.


LinkedIn Marketing Checklist

Use this checklist to ensure you are making the most of LinkedIn.


Pinterest Marketing Checklist

Use this checklist to ensure you are making the most of your Pinterest account.


YouTube Marketing Checklist

Use this checklist to ensure you are making the most of your YouTube channel.


Repurpose Your Content Checklist

Use this checklist to ensure you repurpose your content and distribute it across social media like a pro.

Here’s a Look at What You’ll Get in this Kit:

Step-by-Step Marketing Plan

You can either use this project plan yourself, or you can hand it off to your virtual assistant so she can follow the steps to help you in your business. You can edit and tweak this document with additional information your team may need, or you can even remove anything that doesn’t apply to your business.

You can even record a training video covering each of the steps in this plan that walks your VA through exactly what you need her to do to help you with this project. Then just upload to dropbox and share it with her.

Click Here to See What the Plan Covers
  • Getting Started
    • Marketing Strategy Overview
    • Timeline & Budget
  • Section 1: Build Your Social Foundation for Freedom
    • Step 1: Platforms, Baby! Where Are Your Peeps Hanging Out?
    • Step 2: Tool Check-up! Easily Ensure Success
    • Step 3: Make Outsourcing a Breeze
  • Section 2: Prep Your Social Media for Guaranteed Success
    • Step 4: Streamline Your Content Creation Process with Buckets
    • Step 5: Leverage Your Evergreen Content and Repurpose Like A Pro
    • Step 6: Plan Out Your Promos for Generating Sales
    • Step 7: Creating Drool-Worthy Images for Conversions
    • Step 8: Social Media Engagement is Key!
  • Section 3: Magnify Your Social Media Results & Increase Your Bottom Line
    • Step 9: Creating Your Monthly Publication Plan
    • Step 10: Build Your Editorial Content Map
    • Step 11: Delegation is KEY!
    • Step 12: Creating A Routine for Analysis & Improvement

Task Tracking Calendar

This calendar is such a simple, but powerful tool with task reminders to help your assistant stay on schedule, and meet your deadlines. She can print off a copy to keep on her desk, or she can add the tasks to her calendar in Basecamp or whatever project management system you use.

Baseline Stats Worksheet

Use this worksheet to set baseline statistics for your social media presence, campaigns, and rolling results (your starting points and basis of comparisons).

Business Brand Template

Use this template to build your brand resources so your social media has it for easy reference.

Image and Brand Best Practices


Use this overview-style worksheet to ensure every piece of social content you create reflects and represents your brand.

Content Bucket Template


Use this template to brainstorm and prioritize your content buckets.

Content Publication Blueprint

Use this simple blueprint to create a consistent content production workflow.

Editorial Calendar

Use this spreadsheet to plan out your content publishing schedule.

Content Repurposing Template

Use this template as a guide for effectively re-purposing your posts for all the different social media channels.

Evergreen Machine for Social Media

Use this template to brainstorm keywords, topics, and post types and features that will always be relevant to your unique audiences.

Promo Plan Worksheet

Use this worksheet to plan and ramp up your social media promotion for each campaign.

Show Up Comparison Worksheet

Comparison charts are great for seeing before and after results or measuring your company’s performance against a competitor’s. You can use also use comparisons to weigh services or fees, and measure profits vs losses, subscribes vs unsubscribes, et cetera. Use this worksheet to decide which type of comparison chart would work best for you and your business.

Key Performance Indicators Report Worksheet

Use this worksheet to set up and track your KPIs, then interpret the results.

Social Media Channel Analytics Tracking

Use these spreadsheets to keep track of your results across your Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and YouTube channels. Each spreadsheet tracks different metrics based on the individual channel.

Meaningful Metric Reports

Use this template to understand your metrics and KPIs so you can choose the most relevant ones as benchmarks on the way to your goal.

Social Media Engagement Strategy

Use this template to identify and create a social media strategy to be implemented by your team or virtual assistant.

Social Media Publication Schedule

Use worksheet and template will help you set a social media publication schedule perfectly suited to your business goals.

12 Checklists

You’ll get 12 checklists to help you (or your va) to stay on track. You’ll get these checklists:

  • Monthly Social Report Checklist – Use this checklist to ensure your social media manager or assistant provides the monthly social media overview you need.
  • Weekly Social Media Report Checklist – Use this checklist to ensure your social media manager or assistant keeps your media tracking up-to-date and covers all responsibilities.
  • Social Media Delegation Checklist – Use this checklist to ensure you delegate social media duties effectively and efficiently.
  • Social Media Manager Roles Checklist – Use this checklist as an aid in deciding what type of social media manager would best fit your brand.
  • Social Media Channels Checklist – Use this checklist as an aid to choosing and making the most of your most responsive social platforms.
  • Social Tools Checklist – Use this checklist to decide what social media tools you need most—and eliminate unnecessary ones.
  • Instagram Marketing Checklist – Use this checklist to ensure you are making the most of your Instagram posts.
  • Facebook Marketing Checklist – Use this checklist to plan out your Facebook marketing campaigns.
  • LinkedIn Marketing Checklist – Use this checklist to ensure you are making the most of LinkedIn.
  • Pinterest Marketing Checklist – Use this checklist to ensure you are making the most of your Pinterest account.
  • YouTube Marketing Checklist – Use this checklist to ensure you are making the most of your YouTube channel.
  • Repurpose Your Content Checklist – Use this checklist to ensure you repurpose your content and distribute it across social media like a pro.

Download this Project Kit for Only $97

This Project Kit is Perfect for You if…

You’re a coach:


Use the kit and document your own process along the way. Meaning…make notes about your aha’s, the things that came up for you, any challenges you had, what you did, your results.


Create a 1:1 coaching session package or VIP day around the topic of the kit that you can sell to your clients.


Print out the kit docs and have your notes in front of you. Then, guide your client through the entire process, step-by-step. You can “teach” them each step, and then work through the questions with them during your session. They’ll walk away from their session with a plan they can take and apply to their business.


Don’t want to do live 1:1 sessions? Record a video training for each step, and then at the end of each video, give them their “homework” to work on before moving onto the next step. Then sell the course to your clients. Or post it as new content to your paid group program.


Or simply, use the kit during a client’s monthly 1:1 call so you have something to talk about and work on. Especially if your client doesn’t have much to say or report on. So instead of sitting there in awkward silence or cutting a call short – you’ll have something of value to provide to your client.

Now here’s the thing though…you CANNOT sell or giveaway the kit directly, because that’s just for you and your team to use within your business. BUT…you CAN do all of the things I mentioned above.

If you’re an assistant / business manager / operations manager you can:


Jump on zoom with your client for a strategy session, and use the kit as a guide. You’ll come across as a total expert AND you’ll create an action plan for your client at the same time.

Here’s what you do:

  • Print off the kit docs to have in front of you during your call.
  • Discuss each step in depth using the kit content as a guide.
  • Walk through the questions and exercises with your client, and write their answers right onto the kit pages.
  • Wrap up the call with a plan of action for how you’ll proceed and assist your client in their business.

And hey, if you or your client are not able to, or don’t have time to get on a call – record all the information, and then send the recording and the list of info you need back from them to proceed.

Seriously…there is nothing more powerful to a business owner than an assistant who shows initiative. We want people on our team who can take an idea and come back to us with a plan of action for how to get it done!

And I’ve made it super easy for you to do all of that with the project kit on this page.

I’ve loved Melissa since 2009 and everything she puts out is golden. These project kits are complete time savers. If you are a business owner, it has everything you need, a turnkey solution to hand over to your assistant. If you are a VA, you will WOW your client by anticipating their needs and having an organized system ready to go. Love these kits!
Lisa Wells

Melissa Ingold is a genius! She’s taken all the work out of delegating tasks to your team with her kits.  It’s so easy. You just open it up, answer a few questions and hand off the rest to your virtual assistant. Now an entire part of your business is handled and you’re getting reports and status updates from your team without you having to beg for them. You don’t have to understand how the entire process works and you don’t have to build out the entire process. It’s as turn-key as you can get. You’ll get more accomplished in your business, without working harder, and your assistant will be happier because you’re giving her everything she needs to be successful. It can’t get better than that.
Deanna Maio

Download this Project Kit for Only $97

3 Reasons You Need this Project Kit…


Grow Your Business & Make Money

Now you can stop wasting your time and money working on dead-end tasks that lead you nowhere (Or trying to figure out how to do something from a google search).

These kits give you direction for working on real projects and tasks that will actually help you grow your business and your income.


Hire Help, Save Money and Boost Your ROI

You can give this project kit to your assistant and other team members to work on your business projects and tasks.

Paying your assistant by the hour can really add up, especially if the tasks you assign really aren’t doing anything for your business, and your outsourcing dollars are being wasted on dead-end projects.

Using this project kit means no more wasted money on tasks that don’t get results.


Get Paid for Helping Your Clients

Use this project kit to help you do business and marketing work for your own paying clients.

In fact, your clients will be impressed that you have all these amazing tools on hand to assist them with their business projects and tasks.

Plus, your work will be so much easier & faster to do when you don’t have to create things from scratch (like writing all those emails or even just figuring out what to do first).

Frequently Asked Questions

How will this kit be delivered?

How will this kit be delivered?

After making your purchase, you'll get an email with instructions about how to download the kit.

Every document in the kit has been created as Microsoft word documents, and are completely customizable.

I'm not ready to hire help yet, can I still use this kit?

I'm not ready to hire help yet, can I still use this kit?

Absolutely! You don't need to hire help or already have an assistant to use this kit in your business. You can use the marketing plan and templates yourself to make forward progress in your business and knock things off your to-do list.

Plus, your work will be so much easier & faster to do when you don’t have to create things from scratch (like writing all those emails or even just figuring out what to do first).


I'm a service provider, can I use this kit with my own paying clients?

I'm a service provider, can I use this kit with my own paying clients?

Yes. You can use this project kit to help you do business and marketing work for your own paying clients. In fact, your clients will be impressed that you have all these amazing tools on hand to assist them with their business projects and tasks. Plus, your work will be so much easier & faster to do when you don’t have to create things from scratch (like writing all those emails or even just figuring out what to do first).

Also, as mentioned on this page, you can jump on zoom with your client for a strategy session, and use the kit as a guide. You’ll come across as a total expert AND you’ll create an action plan for your client at the same time.

Here’s what you do:

  • Print off the kit docs to have in front of you during your call.
  • Discuss each step in depth using the kit content as a guide.
  • Walk through the questions and exercises with your client, and write their answers right onto the kit pages.
  • Wrap up the call with a plan of action for how you’ll proceed and assist your client in their business.

And hey, if you or your client are not able to, or don’t have time to get on a call – record all the information, and then send the recording and the list of info you need back from them to proceed.

Seriously…there is nothing more powerful to a business owner than an assistant who shows initiative. We want people on our team who can take an idea and come back to us with a plan of action for how to get it done!

And I’ve made it super easy for you to do all of that with the project kit on this page.

NOTE: You CANNOT sell or giveaway the kit directly to your clients, because it's just for you to use within your business and with your paying clients. BUT…you CAN do all of the things I mentioned above.

I'm a business coach/consultant, can I use this kit with my clients?

I'm a business coach/consultant, can I use this kit with myclients?

Yes. As mentioned on this page, you can use this kit in a variety of ways in your coaching business besides for your own projects. Here's how:

  • Use the kit and document your own process along the way. Meaning…make notes about your aha’s, the things that came up for you, any challenges you had, what you did, your results.
  • Create a 1:1 coaching session package or VIP day around the topic of the kit that you can sell to your clients.
  • Print out the kit docs and have your notes in front of you. Then, guide your client through the entire process, step-by-step. You can “teach” them each step, and then work through the questions with them during your session. They’ll walk away from their session with a plan they can take and apply to their business.
  • Don’t want to do live 1:1 sessions? Record a video training for each step, and then at the end of each video, give them their “homework” to work on before moving onto the next step. Then sell the course to your clients. Or post it as new content to your paid group program.
  • Or simply, use the kit during a client’s monthly 1:1 call so you have something to talk about and work on. Especially if your client doesn’t have much to say or report on. So instead of sitting there in awkward silence or cutting a call short – you’ll have something of value to provide to your client.

NOTE: You CANNOT sell or giveaway the kit directly to your clients, because it's just for you to use within your business and with your private paying clients. BUT…you CAN do all of the things I mentioned above.

Can I give this kit to my VA to use for my business?

Can I give this kit to my VA to use for my business?

Yes! This kit is perfectly designed for use with a virtual assistant. So you can absolutely give the templates in this kit to your virtual assistant to customize and strategize for your business.

However, she is NOT allowed to use the kit and templates with her other clients or for her own business unless she purchases a copy for herself. So if you do share these templates with your VA, make sure she understands that she is only allowed to use them for your business.

Does this kit come with resell rights?

Does this kit come with resell rights?

No. This kit and everything inside of the kit is for use within your own personal business. You are NOT allowed to sell the kit and templates as your own.

Can I get a refund if I decide the kit isn't for me?

Can I get a refund if I decide the kit isn't for me?

Since this is a digital product that you can download right away, there are no refunds. If you have any questions before purchasing, you can reach out to us here.

Download this Project Kit for Only $97