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Still Sitting on that Epic Idea You Had Ages Ago for Your First or Next Online Course?

If You’re Finally Ready to Create it + Sell it + Be of Service to Your Followers, But You’re Not Sure Where to Start – Don’t Worry! I Have Templates. I Have Checklists. I Have Worksheets.

Working with clients 1:1 is great, but it shouldn’t be your entire business model…

Tired Woman At Office DeskIdeally, you should be working with a few high-end clients who pay you top dollar for your personal care,  and then package up your knowledge into various programs that you can sell to everyone else over and over again!

If all you sell is your personal services, your income is going to be limited to the number of clients you can serve.

But if you offer a variety of products + programs to your followers who aren’t ready to invest in working with you personally, there won’t be a cap on your income because you can sell as much product as you can move.

If you’re finally ready to start serving more people, my Create + Design Your Epic Online Course Kit, will help you move ahead, step-by-step with your goals!

But what’s even more exciting…is that you don’t have to do this alone if you don’t want to because you can:

Give this project kit to your virtual assistant and other team members to work on your business projects.

Use this project kit kit yourself to help you get your tasks done.

Use this project kit to help you do biz +marketing work for your own paid clients.

This Project Kit Includes a Step-by-Step Marketing Plan + Templates + Checklists + More!

Now you AND your assistant can easily tackle your marketing to-do list using my done-for-you marketing plan + templates!

Many of the documents in this project kit come in .docx format so that you can customize them to your business needs, and add in any additional information you’d like to include.

But here’s the sweet part: All you have to do is customize the plan to your specific business goals and needs and hand it off to your assistant, confident she’ll know EXACTLY what to do the ENTIRE MONTH.

And then, you can let out a sweet sigh of relief, confident that stuff’s actually gonna get it done…and finally book that much-needed mani/pedi (without guilt).

The Create + Design Your Epic Online Course Kit Covers: (.doc format)

  • Getting Started
    • Marketing Strategy Overview
    • Timeline & Budget
    • Business & Lifestyle Goals
  • Section One: Research
    • Step 1: Review My Programs
    • Step 2: Review My Competitors’ Programs
    • Step 3: Survey My Market
    • Step 4: Other Research Techniques
  • Section Two: Course Development

    • Step 5: Brainstorm Titles and Content
    • Step 6: Create The Module Outlines
    • Step 7: Help Create My Writing Schedule
    • Step 8: Research Other Content Development Methods
    • Step 9: Facebook Group Set Up
  • Section Three: Course Design

    • Step 10: Proofreading and Editing
    • Step 11: Branding & Design
    • Step 12: Packaging
  • Section Four: Pricing and Launch Strategies

    • Step 13: Pricing Research
    • Step 14: Adding Fast-Action Bonuses/Discounts

PLUS, You’ll Also Get All These Materials Included Inside this Kit Too!

Templates + Worksheets + Swipe Files + And More!

  • Accountability Tracking Sheet (.pdf)
  • Document Branding + Design Worksheet (.pdf)
  • Cover Branding + Design Worksheet  (.pdf)
  • Course Content Planning Template (.docx)
  • Course Content Structure Template (.docx)
  • Survey Template (.docx)
  • Outsourcing To-Do List (.docx)
  • Private Facebook Group Management To-Do List (.docx)
  • Resources (.pdf)

Task Tracking Calendar (.doc format)

This calendar is such a simple, but powerful tool with task reminders to help your assistant stay on schedule, and meet your deadlines. She can print off a copy to keep on her desk, or she can add the tasks to her calendar in Basecamp or whatever project management system you use.

5 Checklists to Help You & Your Virtual Assistant Stay on Track (.doc format)

  • Course Content & Development Research Checklist
  • Course Content & Development Brainstorming Checklist
  • Course Design and Formatting Checklist
  • Pricing Considerations Checklist
  • Launch Sequence Checklist

Monthly Results Report (.pdf format)

This is a fill-in-the-blank report that your assistant can fill in at the end of every month. It will give you a snapshot of your business after the new marketing plan has been implemented, what your assistant worked on, and what else she can do to help you clear your plate. She can share achieved results, any unexpected hurdles that came up and and how she handled them, as well as any feedback she has.

Here are a Few Examples of Some of the Items You’ll Get:

Step-by-Step Epic Online Course Marketing Plan

epic course marketing plan

Task Tracking Calendar

epic course task tracking calendar

Monthly Results Report

epic course results report

Accountability Tracking Sheet

Epic Course - Accountability Tracking Sheet

Document Branding + Design Worksheet

epic course document branding and design worksheet

Cover Branding + Design Worksheet

Epic course cover branding and design worksheet

Epic Online Course Checklists

Epic Course - Checklists

 Survey Template

epic course survey template

Outsourcing To-Do List

epic course outsourcing to do list

Facebook Group Management To-Do List

epic course facebook group management checklist

Course Content Structure Template

epic course - content structure template

Content Planning Template

epic course - content planning template


epic course resources



Download the Plan + ALL of the Templates Now for Only $97 $47!

I’ve loved Melissa since 2009 and everything she puts out is golden. These project kits are complete time savers. If you are a business owner, it has everything you need, a turnkey solution to hand over to your assistant. If you are a VA, you will WOW your client by anticipating their needs and having an organized system ready to go. Love these kits!

Lisa Wells, Automation Specialist

Melissa Ingold is a genius! She’s taken all the work out of delegating tasks to your team with her Freedom Finder toolkits.  It’s so easy. You just open it up, answer a few questions and hand off the rest to your virtual assistant. Now an entire part of your business is handled and you’re getting reports and status updates from your team without you having to beg for them. You don’t have to understand how the entire process works and you don’t have to build out the entire process. It’s as turn-key as you can get. You’ll get more accomplished in your business, without working harder, and your assistant will be happier because you’re giving her everything she needs to be successful. It can’t get better than that. 

Deanna Maio, Team Results & Leadership Strategist

3 Reasons Why You Need this Project Kit…

Grow Your Biz + Make Money

Now your assistant can stop wasting her time and your money working on dead-end tasks that lead you nowhere! These kits give her direction for working on real projects that will actually help you grow your business and your income.

Save Money + Boost Your ROI

Paying your assistant by the hour can really add up, especially if the tasks you assign really aren’t doing anything for your business, and your outsourcing dollars are being wasted on dead-end projects. Using this project kit will shave hours off your invoice because she won’t have to start from scratch – and she’ll be able to easily “rinse + repeat” it whenever you want – no more wasted money on tasks that don’t get results.

Save Time + Avoid Frustration

Your time is crazy valuable,  so why waste it with tons of back-and-forth emails as you try to explain to your assistant exactly what you want done. With this project kit, you don’t even need to know ‘exactly what you want done’, because she’ll have tons of templates and tools that will help her get right to work.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I Give this Kit to My Assistant?

Can I Give this Kit to My Assistant?

Yes. You have permission to give this kit to your assistant and other team members to work on your business projects for you.

I’m Not Ready to Hire an Assistant - Can I Still Use this kit?

I’m Not Ready to Hire an Assistant – Can I Still Use this kit?

Absolutely! You can use this for your own personal use to help you fast-track a business project or task. You’ll save so much time + energy by using all the items in the kit.

By documenting your business marketing and tasks, and building your library of training content now, you’ll be in a much better position when you are ready to hire an assistant.

Are the Documents Editable or Are They Only in PDF?

Are the Documents Editable or Are They Only in PDF?

Some of the documents in this kit are editable, therefore they can be edited by you and your team. For instance, the step-by-step marketing plan is always in .doc format, and so are any email templates.

However, some of the items in the kit may be in PDF format. Generally, the only items that are in PDF format are the items that do not need customizing. For example, a flowchart would be in PDF format.

I’m a Virtual Assistant - Can I Use this Kit to Help My Clients?

I’m a Virtual Assistant – Can I Use this Kit to Help My Clients?

Yes. You have permission to use this kit to help you work on a project for your client. In fact, your clients will be impressed that you have all these amazing tools on hand to assist them with their business projects.

Using this kit will make your job so much easier + a lot more fun when you don’t have to create things from scratch (like writing all those autoresponder emails or creating a telesummit speaker kit).

Plus, this kit has the added benefit of teaching of YOU how to do something – which means, you can turn around and offer it as a new service to your clients.

Is this Private Label Rights Content (PLR)?

Is this Private Label Rights Content (PLR)?

NO. You do NOT have permission to resell this kit in any way to your customers or clients.

You can NOT give this kit away for free.

This kit is intended for internal use within your own business.

What are the Terms of Use on This Kit?

What are the “Terms of Use” for This Kit?

This kit is intended for personal business use only:


  • Use the toolkit yourself in your business.
  • Give it to your virtual assistant and other team members to work on your business projects.
  • Use the toolkit to provide services to your own paid clients.


  • Resell this kit in any way to your customers, clients, or members as this is not PLR.
  • Give this kit away for free.

If you have questions about these terms of use, please contact my team and ask.

Download the Plan + ALL of the Templates Now for Only $97 $47!