Get Access to 100 Book Writing Prompts Designed to Jumpstart Your Creativity, Help You Put a Fun Spin on Hot Topics & Unearth Stories, ideas, and Insights You’ve Long Forgotten About!
If you’re a smart small business owner who knows you want to write a book but are straight-up stumped when it comes to what you should write about in said book, you’re in the right place.
Writing a book is on most small business owners’ bucket lists.
Truth be told, it’s not easy for anyone to sit down and pump out 100+ pages of high-quality writing that keeps readers engaged.
But when you’re your own boss and you know a book can affect everything from your reputation to your bottom line? It can feel like the stakes are even higher.
See, as someone very in-the-know, you’re well aware that books are an unparalleled marketing tool.
You know they’re the creme de la creme when it comes to credibility boosters. (I mean, who doesn’t trust somebody who has literally “written the book” on a topic–and maybe even has their own Amazon author page to prove it?)
And you definitely know a well-written book can add moolah to your monthly revenue and help you do everything from land lucrative speaking gigs to sign high-ticket clients.
And while all of that sounds great (and only adds to the reasons you most definitely want to write a book), it also sounds like a lot of freakin’ pressure.
So even though you really do want to pump out a masterpiece sooner than later, you also want to get it “right.” (Which can make the whole “writing a book” thing a lot less fun and a lot more overwhelming–or never happen at all. Eek!)
Maybe you’ve thought stuff like:
“I can’t actually write about that (insert-taboo-topic-of-choice-here).”
“I don’t have anything interesting to share.”
“It’s probably all been said before, by somebody else, way better than I could ever say it.”
And if so, it’s totally normal (so don’t beat yourself up!).
But let me flip the script real fast.
What if you’re actually bursting with interesting potential stories and topics, you’re allowed to write about anything you want (even if it’s taboo or goes against the grain) and there are hundreds (if not thousands!) of potential readers out there waiting for a book like yours, delivered in the way only you can deliver it?
This isn’t a fairytale, friend–and it’s not just true for superstar coaches with 100k IG followers. After working with thousands of creative, conscious entrepreneurs and small business owners over the years, I’ve discovered all of the above is true (and then some!).
I’ve also discovered that sometimes business owners need a little help unlocking the magic, stories and true brilliance inside so they can write their books with less stress and more confidence.
Don’t Waste Another Minute Grappling with “What to Write-itis” and Discover Your Unique Book Topic Today!
Inside this “100 Book Writing Prompts” workbook you’ll get…
Immediate access to a 30+ page innovative, interactive workbook that’ll help you nail down why you want to write a book, who you want to write it for and exactly what to write about
A short & sweet clarity-inducing worksheet to help you plan the basics of your book so you don’t “miss a step,” from target audience to magnetic message
100+ juicy, eye-opening, never-before-seen writing prompts you can use to start brainstorming a crazy-compelling topic for your book right away
Here’s What this Workbook Looks Like:
Download the Book Ideas Now for Only $47!
The Truth is…With a Little Creativity You Can Pinpoint the Perfect Book Topic & Write Your Wildly Original Value-Packed Book that Help You Make Money (and Land Leads) While You Sleep (or Sip Pinot on Your Back Patio) for Years to Come!
Having a solid, well-defined topic for your first or next book that feels fresh, fun and super exciting to write (and that you know your ideal clients will trip over themselves to buy!)
10xing your credibility and authority and finally “getting known” for a specific topic or niche (books are the BEST way to become the true go-to expert on a subject!)
Creating a new passive or residual income stream that helps you meet (or exceed!) your money goals, adding your book to your funnel as a low-cost, entry-level product or using it as a marketing tool to attract clients into VIP-level offers
And did I mention you get to do all this while also inspiring others with your hard-won wisdom and insights? Yep, that, too.
Whether you’ve written a few books before or you’re brand new but keep hitting a dead-end every time you pop open a Word or Google Doc, there’s something in this workbook for you.
Real talk: There are literally 100+ prompts inside this workbook specifically designed to jumpstart your creativity, help you put a fun spin on hot topics and unearth stories, ideas and insights you might’ve long forgotten about.
(And if you’re unsure whether you’re writing for the “right people,” have lots of your own ideas but can’t seem find one that’s both original and compelling, or just need a little help getting the creative juices flowing like champs on New Year’s Eve…it can help with that, too.)
So, ready to stop worrying about what your book “should” be about, and start actually writing it?
Download the Book Ideas Now for Only $47!